2009 Current Standings

Rank. Time - Name, (MTBR name), Date of climb

1. 18:35 - Eric Salstrand, (EricS), May 1
2. 19:41 - Bill White, (YT), April 28

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sunrise TT, McDowell Sonoran Preserve

The Sunrise Time Trial. I've wanted to put this one together for a while and since there was a couple of times posted on MTBR Arizona forum already, here is where everyone can post their times and compare.

Starts at the Ringtail intersection with Sunrise. Ends at the top as you enter the landing before dropping down the East side. Zoom in on the Map for details.

View Sunrise TT in a larger map


905 feet of elevation gain, in 2.19 miles, = 7.8 gradient. (Thanks to YT for the data and getting this started by posting it on the forum.)

Enter your times in the comments section below and I'll post them in order up top. Include your Name, MTBR name, and date of your ride.

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  1. My best time up sunrise was during the Quad in January. 42:43 which included at least 15 stops for hikers, chatting with Cactus Joe on the way up, and a couple of breathers on each of the saddles. I expect I'll do better next time...

  2. 31:05 Brian Comstock; cjaghblb June 30 2010


Post your time here. Tell us your time, name, MTBR name and the date of your climb. Plus any other info about the climb.